Is Ocala Healthcare Effective according to the CQC?
The CQC is the regulator for all Health and Social Care services from care in people’s homes, to hospitals and doctors’ surgeries.
It is the CQC that determines if services are safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led.
Before we find out if Ocala Healthcare is considered effective by the CQC,
What does effective mean to the CQC?
Effective – this means we looked for evidence that people's care, treatment and support achieved good outcomes and promoted a good quality of life, based on best available evidence.
How does Ocala Healthcare assess people's needs and choices; delivering care in line with standards, guidance and the law?
“Care planning for the person receiving a service was comprehensive and personalised. Their needs and choices were clearly identified, and guidance provided for staff on how to promote their independence, with a focus on respecting their choices, likes and dislikes.
The registered manager supported staff to provide care in line with best practice guidance and legislation. They described how they maintained contact with local and national forums to ensure that they kept abreast of the latest developments in social care” says the report from the CQC.
How does Ocala Healthcare support staff: induction, training, skills and experience?
“Staff undertook an induction programme when first joining the service which included face to face training and shadowing experienced colleagues.
Staff had completed refresher training and observational checks were conducted by the management team to ensure staff were competent and to identify any further training or support requirements.
A training matrix was in place to enable the registered manager to monitor which staff had completed training and flag when refreshers were due.
Quality assurance surveys showed the person receiving care and their relative had expressed confidence in the skills and knowledge of staff.
Staff were well supported by the management team. One member of staff told us, "They [registered manager] are very supportive. Always available when you need them. No question is a silly one. They provide you with lots of reassurance and feedback on your work"” says the report from the CQC.
How does Ocala Healthcare work with other agencies to provide consistent, effective, timely care; Supporting people to live healthier lives, access healthcare services and support?
“The service worked closely with other agencies such as health services and the local authority. For example, where support with daily living was required, in relation to mobility support needs.
Staff told us they would report any concerns in relation to the person's health to the management team for referral.
Feedback from social care professionals was positive. One told us, "They [registered manager] are proactive and have the needs of the person at the centre of all they do"” says the report from the CQC.
How does Ocala Healthcare ensure consent to care and treatment in line with law and guidance?
Specifically in line with The Mental Capacity Act 2005. For context here is more information about this act.
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) provides a legal framework for making particular decisions on behalf of people who may lack the mental capacity to do so for themselves. The Act requires that, as far as possible, people make their own decisions and are helped to do so when needed. When they lack mental capacity to take particular decisions, any made on their behalf must be in their best interests and as least restrictive as possible.
So how does Ocala Healthcare meet this?
“The person receiving a service was supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives. Staff described how they supported them in the least restrictive way possible.
The care plan provided guidance as to the person's views as to how they wished their care to be provided.
Feedback from the person and their relative confirmed care and attention had been given to ensure their views and decisions were respected and independence promoted” says the report from the CQC.
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